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Savvi Summer Maintenance Checklist

Writer's picture: SavviSavvi

A craftsman home with a large porch and neatly trim shrubs is ready for summer.

Every season comes with its own unique home maintenance needs. Like you need sunscreen and a visor to shield your skin from the sun, your home also needs protection from the harsh elements. So we put together this checklist to help ready your home for the extreme heat and severe storms of summer.

#1 - Clear gutters and downspouts ​

A homeowner wearing gloves cleans dirt and small plants out of a gutter.

Winter weather may have damaged your gutters, and the pollen and blossoms of spring (particularly if you have a lot of trees around your property) may block the flow of water in downspouts, causing water damage during a summer storm. Prevent any issues by cleaning your gutters of debris and seeds, and then inspect and repair any damage. If possible, give your roof a quick visual once over from the ground, and if you see missing or damaged shingles, call a roofing specialist.

#2 - Give your HVAC system some attention ​

A HVAC unit sits near the side of a home on a concrete slab.

Replace the filters and run your HVAC system to make sure it's working properly before the summer heat returns. If you have central air, look at the outdoor condensers and cut back any grass or plants that may have grown around the unit. If you placed plywood over the unit during the winter months, remove it before turning on the unit.

#3 - Reverse the direction of ceiling fans​

A homeowner pulls the cord on a ceiling fan to turn it on.

If you switched your ceiling fans during the winter to assist with heating, reverse the direction to counterclockwise to create a downdraft of cool air. Just remember to turn off the ceiling fan when you leave a room to help keep your energy bills low.

#4 - Check your sump pump​

A bird’s-eye view of a sump pump shows its pipes and motor.

If your house has a basement, it may have a sump pump, which helps to keep the water out of your bottom level during heavy rainstorms. Check that the pump is operating correctly by triggering the float switch and ensuring the circuit breaker for the pump has not been tripped. Also, check your backup battery. If the power goes out during an intense storm, you’ll need that battery to run the sump pumps, so your home won’t flood.

Savvi water sensors can alert you to any leak, so a small trickle doesn’t become a major flood.

Homeowners suffer from water damage losses far more often than any other loss – including fire or theft. Our water sensors can alert you, so a small trickle doesn’t become a major flood. Beautifully designed, our sensors fit neatly under sinks, washing machines, and any water source in your home. They can also be placed in your basement or other areas prone to water damage.

#5 - Service your generator

A generator with wires attached to it sits on a brick driveway at least 20 feet away from a home.

A generator is a great investment to keep your house and belongings safe during a power outage. Verify that the generator starts and you have gas to run it. If you haven’t gotten the unit serviced in a few years, it’s best to call a qualified technician to do so.

#6 - Trim plants and clear debris around your house​

A homeowner wearing gloves and a flannel shirt cuts his shrubs with a hedge trimmer.

Avoid expensive damage over time by trimming plants and trees that touch the roof or sides of your house. Cut back branches and foliage to create a gap between them and the house, and collect any debris around the exterior walls. Do not pile wood against the house as this may welcome bugs and pests into your home.

#7 - Give your home a shower

A homeowner cleans off their vinyl siding with a power washer.

Mold and algae buildup on your fence and siding can really do a number on your curb appeal. Power washing the exterior of your home can help to remove that grime and keep your home aesthetically pleasing. If you don’t own a power washer, you can rent one from most home improvement stores but use with caution. Power washers can be dangerous, and if used improperly, they can also cause bodily harm and damage your siding.

#8 - Clean and repair outdoor entertaining space​

A homeowner uses a power washer to clean the boards on a deck.

Inspect your deck for broken or rotted timbers and any nails or screws that may have become exposed. Also, check the supports underneath to ensure critters haven’t made the area their home over the winter. Use that power washer from earlier to clean off any mold or algae, but first, do a water test on your deck. If you spray water on the deck and it’s absorbed, it might be time to reseal.

#9 - Inspect and clean your grill

A large grill is open with kebobs cooking on the grates.

According to the NFPA, more than 10,000 home fires are caused by grills each year. In a quarter of these, the grill had not been cleaned. To get your grill ready for family gatherings or everyday use, clear out drip trays and clean up any fat buildup below the burners. If you own a gas grill, check for any signs of damage or cracking along the hoses or at the connectors. Get more grilling advice in Top Grilling Safety Tips by Savvi.

Savvi’s smoke and fire sensors help keep you family safe by sending alerts to your smart phone and our 24/7 monitoring center for rapid action from first responders.

Undetected fires can destroy a home in minutes. Being alerted to a fire before you smell the smoke is critical, so you and your family can escape safely. Our detectors are equipped with a 85dBm alarm and send alerts to your smart phone and our 24/7 monitoring center for rapid action from first responders.

#10 - Inspect screens on doors and windows​

Keep insects out of your house by checking all window screens and screen doors for warping, rips, or holes. Small holes can be patched using repair kits from a hardware store or you may need to replace the entire screen. Also, check your weather stripping to make sure it’s still good from the winter, so your air conditioner won’t need to work overtime. Just don’t forget to air out your home from time to time to improve your indoor air quality.

Savvi Insurance Group, Inc., based in Charlotte, North Carolina, is committed to helping families and individuals prevent losses, stay safe, and protect the people and things they love. We do that by providing our customers with our cutting-edge smart home security system along with a suite of services and benefits designed to proactively predict and prevent losses from happening in the first place.

We then back that up with comprehensive, modernized insurance protection and concierge-style claims handling, at prices that recognize and reward the benefits of a smarter, better protected home.

Originally published on


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